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Shadow DOM Support & reusable component objects

· 7 min read

Shadow DOM is one of the key browser features that make up web components. Web components are a really great way to build reusable elements, and are able to scale all the way up to complete web applications. Style encapsulation, the feature that gives shadow DOM it's power, has been a bit of a pain when it comes to E2E or UI testing. Things just got a little easier though, as WebdriverIO v5.5.0 introduced built-in support for shadow DOM via two new commands, shadow$ and shadow$$. Let's dig into what they're all about.

WebdriverIO v5 Released

· 11 min read

We are pleased to announce that a new major version of WebdriverIO has finally been released! I never thought that it would take this long (it's been over a year), but we can finally say that the new version of WebdriverIO is ready for use (and better than ever). There has been over 800 commits, from over 34 different contributors; and I am truly grateful to everyone who participated in this collective effort. With that being said...

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