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WebdriverIO's browser runner supports code coverage reporting using istanbul. The testrunner will automatically instrument your code and capture code coverage for you.


In order to enable code coverage reporting, enable it through the WebdriverIO browser runner configuration, e.g.:

export const config = {
// ...
runner: ['browser', {
preset: process.env.WDIO_PRESET,
coverage: {
enabled: true
// ...

Checkout all coverage options, to learn how to properly configure it.

Ignoring Code

There may be some sections of your codebase that you wish to purposefully exclude from coverage tracking, to do so you can use the following parsing hints:

  • /* istanbul ignore if */: ignore the next if statement.
  • /* istanbul ignore else */: ignore the else portion of an if statement.
  • /* istanbul ignore next */: ignore the next thing in the source-code ( functions, if statements, classes, you name it).
  • /* istanbul ignore file */: ignore an entire source-file (this should be placed at the top of the file).

It is recommended to exclude your test files from the coverage reporting as it could cause errors, e.g. when calling execute or executeAsync commands. If you like to keep them in your report, ensure your exclude instrumenting them via:

await browser.execute(/* istanbul ignore next */() => {
// ...

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