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Return true if the selected DOM-element is displayed (even when the element is outside the viewport). It is using the checkVisibility method provided by the browser to determine if an element is being displayed or not. Since WebdriverIO acts as a real user, the default values for the contentVisibilityAuto, opacityProperty, and visibilityProperty flags are set to true to default to a more strict behavior. This means that the command will check if the element is visible due to the value of its content-visibility, opacity, and visibility properties.

If you want to also verify that the element is also within the viewport, provide the withinViewport flag to the command.


As opposed to other element commands WebdriverIO will not wait for the element to exist to execute this command.

WebdriverIO, when conducting browser tests, utilizes a custom script specifically designed to assess the visibility of elements. This script is key in determining whether an element is displayed on the page. Conversely, for native mobile testing scenarios with Appium, WebdriverIO defers to the isElementDisplayed command provided by Appium. This command evaluates the visibility of elements using criteria established by the underlying Appium driver, ensuring accurate and driver-specific assessments for mobile applications.

$(selector).isDisplayed([withinViewport=false], [contentVisibilityAuto=true], [opacityProperty=true], [visibilityProperty=true])
Booleantrue to check if the element is within the viewport. false by default.
Booleantrue to check if the element content-visibility property has (or inherits) the value auto, and it is currently skipping its rendering. true by default.
Booleantrue to check if the element opacity property has (or inherits) a value of 0. true by default.
Booleantrue to check if the element is invisible due to the value of its visibility property. true by default.
<div id="noSize"></div>
<div id="noSizeWithContent">Hello World!</div>
<div id="notDisplayed" style="width: 10px; height: 10px; display: none"></div>
<div id="notVisible" style="width: 10px; height: 10px; visibility: hidden"></div>
<div id="zeroOpacity" style="width: 10px; height: 10px; opacity: 0"></div>
<div id="notInViewport" style="width: 10px; height: 10px; position:fixed; top: 999999; left: 999999"></div>
it('should detect if an element is displayed', async () => {
elem = await $('#notExisting');
isDisplayed = await elem.isDisplayed();
console.log(isDisplayed); // outputs: false

let elem = await $('#noSize');
let isDisplayed = await elem.isDisplayed();
console.log(isDisplayed); // outputs: false

let elem = await $('#noSizeWithContent');
let isDisplayed = await elem.isDisplayed();
console.log(isDisplayed); // outputs: true

let elem = await $('#notDisplayed');
let isDisplayed = await elem.isDisplayed();
console.log(isDisplayed); // outputs: false

elem = await $('#notVisible');
isDisplayed = await elem.isDisplayed();
console.log(isDisplayed); // outputs: false

elem = await $('#zeroOpacity');
isDisplayed = await elem.isDisplayed();
console.log(isDisplayed); // outputs: false

elem = await $('#notInViewport');
isDisplayed = await elem.isDisplayed();
console.log(isDisplayed); // outputs: true
it('should detect if an element is visible within the viewport', async () => {
let isDisplayedInViewport = await $('#notDisplayed').isDisplayed({ withinViewport: true });
console.log(isDisplayedInViewport); // outputs: false

isDisplayedInViewport = await $('#notVisible').isDisplayed({ withinViewport: true });
console.log(isDisplayedInViewport); // outputs: false

isDisplayedInViewport = await $('#notExisting').isDisplayed({ withinViewport: true });
console.log(isDisplayedInViewport); // outputs: false

isDisplayedInViewport = await $('#notInViewport').isDisplayed({ withinViewport: true });
console.log(isDisplayedInViewport); // outputs: false

isDisplayedInViewport = await $('#zeroOpacity').isDisplayed({ withinViewport: true });
console.log(isDisplayedInViewport); // outputs: false

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