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Stencil est une bibliothèque pour construire des bibliothèques de composants réutilisables et évolutives. Vous pouvez tester les composants Preact directement dans un navigateur en utilisant WebdriverIO et son browser runner.


Pour configurer WebdriverIO dans votre projet React, suivez les instructions de notre documentation de test de composants. Assurez-vous de sélectionner stencil comme préréglage dans les options de votre exécuteur, par exemple.:

// wdio.conf.js
export const config = {
// ...
runner: ['browser', {
preset: 'stencil'
// ...

In case you use Stencil with a framework like React or Vue, you should keep the preset for these frameworks.

You can then start the tests by running:

npx wdio run ./wdio.conf.ts

Writing Tests

Given you have the following Stencil component:

import { Component, Prop, h } from '@stencil/core'

tag: 'my-name',
shadow: true
export class MyName {
@Prop() name: string

normalize(name: string): string {
if (name) {
return name.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1).toLowerCase()
return ''

render() {
return (
<div class="text">
<p>Hello! My name is {this.normalize(}.</p>

In your test use the render method from @wdio/browser-runner/stencil to attach the component to the test page. To interact with the component we recommend to use WebdriverIO commands as they behave more close to actual user interactions, e.g.:

import { expect } from '@wdio/globals'
import { render } from '@wdio/browser-runner/stencil'

import MyNameComponent from './components/Component.tsx'

describe('Stencil Component Testing', () => {
it('should render component correctly', async () => {
await render({
components: [MyNameComponent],
template: () => (
<my-name name={'stencil'}></my-name>
await expect($('.text')).toHaveText('Hello! My name is Stencil.')

Element Updates

If you define properties or state in your Stencil component you have to manage when these changes should be applied to the component to be re-rendered. For that use the flushAll method that is returned from the render method, e.g.:

const { flushAll } = render({
components: [AppLogin],
template: () => <app-login />

// update component state via
await $('...').click()


// assert after update
await expect($('...')).toHaveElementClass('...')

Si vous préférez appliquer les modifications automatiquement, définissez l'option autoApplyChanges , par exemple.:

const { flushAll } = render({
components: [AppLogin],
template: () => <app-login />,
autoApplyChanges: true
// update component state and assert immediatelly
await $('...').click()
await expect($('...')).toHaveElementClass('...')


You can find a full example of a WebdriverIO component test suite for SolidJS in our example repository.

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