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WebdriverIO Open Office Hours

· 2 хвилин читання

Contributing to a big Open Source project can be hard. Especially if the codebase is large and requires a lot of context to understand what certain changes do. Then there is the possibility that tools or infrastructure is being used that are unknown. Nevertheless the project depends on your contributions and help to identify bugs and fix them. How can we overcome this hurdle?

WebdriverIO v6 Released

· 11 хвилин читання

If you read this and are already about to freak out because you just spent a lot of time migrating to v5, don't worry! This major update is far less "breaking" than the one last year. While all the architectural changes last year left us no choice to break a lot of things, we were very careful this time and made sure that upgrading the framework won't become a big task.

Welcome! How can I help?

WebdriverIO AI Copilot