Over time, our community has developed several projects that you can use as inspiration to set up your own test suite.
v8 Boilerplate Projects
Our very own boilerplate for Cucumber test suites. We created over 150 predefined step definitions for you, so you can start writing feature files in your project right away.
- Framework:
- Cucumber (v8)
- WebdriverIO (v8)
- Features:
- Over 150 predefined steps that cover almost everything you need
- Integrates WebdriverIO's Multiremote functionality
- Own demo app
Boilerplate project to run WebdriverIO tests with Jasmine using Babel features and the page objects pattern.
- Frameworks
- WebdriverIO (v8)
- Jasmine (v4)
- Features
- Page Object Pattern
- Sauce Labs integration
This boilerplate project has WebdriverIO 8 tests with cucumber and typescript, followed by the page objects pattern.
- WebdriverIO v8
- Cucumber v8
- Typescript v5
- Page Object Pattern
- Prettier
- Multi browser support
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Edge
- Safari
- Standalone
- Crossbrowser parallel execution
- Appium
- Cloud testing Integration with BrowserStack & Sauce Labs
- Docker service
- Share data service
- Separate config files for each service
- Testdata management & read by user type
- Reporting
- Dot
- Spec
- Multiple cucumber html report with failure screenshots
- Gitlab pipelines for Gitlab repository
- Github actions for Github repository
- Docker compose for setting up the docker hub
- Framework: WDIO-V8 with Cucumber (V8x).
- Features:
- Page Objects Model uses with ES6 /ES7 style class base approach and TypeScript support
- Examples of multi selector option to query element with more than one selector at a time
- Examples of multi browser and headless browser execution using - Chrome and Firefox
- Cloud testing Integration with BrowserStack, Sauce Labs, LambdaTest
- Examples of read/write data from MS-Excel for easy test data management from external data sources with examples
- Database support to any RDBMS (Oracle, MySql, TeraData, Vertica etc.), executing any queries / fetching result set etc. with examples for E2E testing
- Multiple reporting (Spec, Xunit/Junit, Allure, JSON) and Hosting Allure and Xunit/Junit reporting on WebServer.
- Examples with demo app https://search.yahoo.com/ and http://the-internet.herokuapp.com.
- BrowserStack, Sauce Labs, LambdaTest and Appium specific
file (for playback on mobile device). For one click Appium setup on local machine for iOS and Android refer to appium-setup-made-easy-OSX.
- Framework: WDIO-V8 with Mocha (V10x).
- Features:
- Page Objects Model uses with ES6 /ES7 style class base approach and TypeScript support
- Examples with demo app https://search.yahoo.com and http://the-internet.herokuapp.com
- Examples of multi browser and headless browser execution using - Chrome and Firefox
- Cloud testing Integration with BrowserStack, Sauce Labs, LambdaTest
- Multiple reporting (Spec, Xunit/Junit, Allure, JSON) and Hosting Allure and Xunit/Junit reporting on WebServer.
- Examples of read/write data from MS-Excel for easy test data management from external data sources with examples
- Examples of DB connect to any RDBMS (Oracle, MySql, TeraData, Vertica etc.), any query execution / fetching result set etc. with examples for E2E testing
- BrowserStack, Sauce Labs, LambdaTest and Appium specific
file (for playback on mobile device). For one click Appium setup on local machine for iOS and Android refer to appium-setup-made-easy-OSX.
- Framework: WDIO-V8 with Jasmine (V4x).
- Features:
- Page Objects Model uses with ES6 /ES7 style class base approach and TypeScript support
- Examples with demo app https://search.yahoo.com and http://the-internet.herokuapp.com
- Examples of multi browser and headless browser execution using - Chrome and Firefox
- Cloud testing Integration with BrowserStack, Sauce Labs, LambdaTest
- Multiple reporting (Spec, Xunit/Junit, Allure, JSON) and Hosting Allure and Xunit/Junit reporting on WebServer.
- Examples of read/write data from MS-Excel for easy test data management from external data sources with examples
- Examples of DB connect to any RDBMS (Oracle, MySql, TeraData, Vertica etc.), any query execution / fetching result set etc. with examples for E2E testing
- BrowserStack, Sauce Labs, LambdaTest and Appium specific
file ( for playback on mobile device). For one click Appium setup on local machine for iOS and Android refer to appium-setup-made-easy-OSX.
klassijs/klassi-js (cucumber-template)
- WebdriverIO (v8)
- Cucumber (v8)
- Contain sample test scenario in cucumber
- Integrated cucumber html reports with Embedded videos on failures
- Integrated Lambdatest and CircleCI services
- Integrated Visual, Accessibility and API testing
- Integrated Email functionality
- Integrated s3 bucket for test reports storage and retrieval
Serenity/JS template project to help you get started with acceptance testing your web applications using the latest WebdriverIO, Mocha, and Serenity/JS.
- WebdriverIO (v8)
- Mocha (v10)
- Serenity/JS (v3)
- Serenity BDD reporting
- Screenplay Pattern
- Automatic screenshots on test failure, embedded in reports
- Continuous Integration (CI) setup using GitHub Actions
- Demo Serenity BDD reports published to GitHub Pages
- TypeScript
- ESLint
Serenity/JS template project to help you get started with acceptance testing your web applications using the latest WebdriverIO, Cucumber, and Serenity/JS.
- WebdriverIO (v8)
- Cucumber (v9)
- Serenity/JS (v3)
- Serenity BDD reporting
- Screenplay Pattern
- Automatic screenshots on test failure, embedded in reports
- Continuous Integration (CI) setup using GitHub Actions
- Demo Serenity BDD reports published to GitHub Pages
- TypeScript
- ESLint
Boilerplate project to run WebdriverIO tests in Headspin Cloud (https://www.headspin.io/) using Cucumber features, and the page objects pattern.
- WebdriverIO (v8)
- Cucumber (v8)
- Cloud integration with Headspin
- Supports Page Object Model
- Contains sample Scenarios written in Declarative style of BDD
- Integrated cucumber html reports
v7 Boilerplate Projects
Boilerplate project to run Appium tests with WebdriverIO for:
- iOS/Android Native Apps
- iOS/Android Hybrid Apps
- Android Chrome and iOS Safari browser
This boilerplate includes the following:
- Framework: Mocha
- Features:
- Configs for:
- iOS and Android app
- iOS and Android browsers
- Helpers for:
- WebView
- Gestures
- Native alerts
- Pickers
- Tests examples for:
- WebView
- Login
- Forms
- Swipe
- Browsers
- Configs for:
ATDD WEB tests with Mocha, WebdriverIO v6 with PageObject
- Frameworks
- WebdriverIO (v7)
- Mocha
- Features
- Page Object Model
- Sauce Labs integration with Sauce Service
- Allure Report
- Automatic screenshots capture for failing tests
- CircleCI example
- ESLint
Boilerplate project to run E2E tests with Mocha.
- Frameworks:
- WebdriverIO (v7)
- Mocha
- Features:
- TypeScript
- Expect-webdriverio
- Visual regression tests
- Page Object Pattern
- Commit lint and Commitizen
- ESlint
- Prettier
- Husky
- Github Actions example
- Allure report (screenshots on failure)
Boilerplate project to run WebdriverIO v7 tests for the following:
WDIO 7 scripts with TypeScript in Cucumber Framework WDIO 7 scripts with TypeScript in Mocha Framework Run WDIO 7 script in Docker Network logs
Boiler plate project for:
- Capture Network Logs
- Capture all GET/POST calls or a specific REST API
- Assert Request parameters
- Assert Response parameters
- Store all the response in a separate file
Boilerplate project to run appium tests for native and mobile browser using cucumber v7 and wdio v7 with page object pattern.
- WebdriverIO v7
- Cucumber v7
- Appium
- Native Android and iOS apps
- Android Chrome browser
- iOS Safari browser
- Page Object Model
- Contains sample test scenarios in cucumber
- Integrated with multiple cucumber html reports
This a template project to help you show how you can run webdriverio test from Web applications using the latest WebdriverIO, and Cucumber framework. This project intends to act as a baseline image that you can use to understand how to run WebdriverIO tests in docker
This project includes:
- DockerFile
- cucumber Project
Read more at: Medium Blog
This a template project to help you show how you can run electronJS tests using WebdriverIO. This project intends to act as a baseline image that you can use to understand how to run WebdriverIO electronJS tests.
This project include:
- Sample electronjs app
- Sample cucumber test scripts
Read more at: Medium Blog
This a template project to help you show how you can automate windows application using winappdriver and WebdriverIO . This project intends to act as a baseline image that you can use to understand how to run windappdriver and WebdriverIO tests.
Read more at: Medium Blog
This a template project to help you show how you can run webdriverio multiremote capability with latest WebdriverIO, and Jasmine framework. This project intends to act as a baseline image that you can use to understand how to run WebdriverIO tests in docker
This project uses:
- chromedriver
- jasmine
- appium
Template project to run appium tests on real Roku devices using mocha with page object pattern.
- WebdriverIO Async v7
- Appium 2.0
- Mocha v7
- Allure Reporting
- Page Object Model
- Typescript
- Screenshot on failure
- Example tests using a sample Roku channel
PoC project for E2E Multiremote Cucumber tests as well as Data driven Mocha tests
- Cucumber (v8)
- WebdriverIO (v8)
- Mocha (v8)
- Cucumber based E2E Tests
- Mocha based Data Driven Tests
- Web only Tests - in Local as well as cloud platforms
- Mobile Only tests - local as well as remote cloud emulators (or devices)
- Web + Mobile Tests - Multiremote - local as well as cloud platforms
- Multiple Reports integrated including Allure
- Test Data ( JSON / XLSX ) handled globally so as to write the data (created on the fly) to a file post test execution
- Github workflow to run the test and upload the allure report
This is a boilerplate project to help show how to run webdriverio multi-remote using appium and chromedriver service with the latest WebdriverIO.
- WebdriverIO (v9)
- Appium (v2)
- Mocha
- Page Object Model
- Typescript
- Web + Mobile Tests - Multiremote
- Native Android and iOS apps
- Appium
- Chromedriver
- ESLint
- Tests examples for Login in http://the-internet.herokuapp.com and WebdriverIO native demo app