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Integrate your WebdriverIO tests with App Percy

Before integration, you can explore App Percy’s sample build tutorial for WebdriverIO. Integrate your test suite with BrowserStack App Percy and here's an overview of the integration steps:

Step 1: Create new app project on percy dashboard

Sign in to Percy and create a new app type project. After you’ve created the project, you’ll be shown a PERCY_TOKEN environment variable. Percy will use the PERCY_TOKEN to know which organisation and project to upload the screenshots to. You will need this PERCY_TOKEN in next steps.

Step 2: Set the project token as an environment variable

Run the given command to set PERCY_TOKEN as an environment variable:

export PERCY_TOKEN="<your token here>"   // macOS or Linux
$Env:PERCY_TOKEN="<your token here>" // Windows PowerShell
set PERCY_TOKEN="<your token here>" // Windows CMD

Step 3: Install Percy packages

Install the components required to establish the integration environment for your test suite. To install the dependencies, run the following command:

npm install --save-dev @percy/cli

Step 4: Install dependencies

Install the Percy Appium app

npm install --save-dev @percy/appium-app

Step 5: Update test script

Make sure to import @percy/appium-app in your code.

Below is an example test using the percyScreenshot function. Use this function wherever you have to take a screenshot.

import percyScreenshot from '@percy/appium-app';
describe('Appium webdriverio test example', function() {
it('takes a screenshot', async () => {
await percyScreenshot('Appium JS example');

We are passing the required arguments.percyScreenshot method.

The screenshot method arguments are:

percyScreenshot(driver, name[, options])

Step 6: Run your test script

Run your tests using percy app:exec.

If you are unable to use the percy app:exec command or prefer to run your tests using IDE run options, you can use the percy app:exec:start and percy app:exec:stop commands. To learn more, visit Run Percy.

$ percy app:exec -- appium test command

This command starts Percy, create a new Percy build, takes snapshots and uploads them to your project, and stops Percy:

[percy] Percy has started!
[percy] Created build #1: https://percy.io/[your-project]
[percy] Snapshot taken "Appium WebdriverIO Example"
[percy] Stopping percy...
[percy] Finalized build #1: https://percy.io/[your-project]
[percy] Done!

Visit the following pages for more details:

Official docsApp Percy's WebdriverIO documentation
Sample build - TutorialApp Percy's WebdriverIO tutorial
Official videoVisual Testing with App Percy
BlogMeet App Percy: AI-powered automated visual testing platform for native apps

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