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Writing Tests

Testrunner Framework Support

@wdio/visual-service is test-runner framework agnostic, which means that you can use it with all the frameworks WebdriverIO supports like:

Within your tests, you can save screenshots or match the current visual state of your application under test with a baseline. For that, the service provides custom matcher, as well as check methods:

describe('Mocha Example', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await browser.url('https://webdriver.io')

it('using visual matchers to assert against baseline', async () => {
// Check screen to exactly match with baseline
await expect(browser).toMatchScreenSnapshot('partialPage')
// check an element to have a mismatch percentage of 5% with the baseline
await expect(browser).toMatchScreenSnapshot('partialPage', 5)
// check an element with options for `saveScreen` command
await expect(browser).toMatchScreenSnapshot('partialPage', {
/* some options */

// Check an element to exactly match with baseline
await expect($('#element-id')).toMatchElementSnapshot('firstButtonElement')
// check an element to have a mismatch percentage of 5% with the baseline
await expect($('#element-id')).toMatchElementSnapshot('firstButtonElement', 5)
// check an element with options for `saveElement` command
await expect($('#element-id')).toMatchElementSnapshot('firstButtonElement', {
/* some options */

// Check a full page screenshot match with baseline
await expect(browser).toMatchFullPageSnapshot('fullPage')
// Check a full page screenshot to have a mismatch percentage of 5% with the baseline
await expect(browser).toMatchFullPageSnapshot('fullPage', 5)
// Check a full page screenshot with options for `checkFullPageScreen` command
await expect(browser).toMatchFullPageSnapshot('fullPage', {
/* some options */

// Check a full page screenshot with all tab executions
await expect(browser).toMatchTabbablePageSnapshot('check-tabbable')
// Check a full page screenshot to have a mismatch percentage of 5% with the baseline
await expect(browser).toMatchTabbablePageSnapshot('check-tabbable', 5)
// Check a full page screenshot with options for `checkTabbablePage` command
await expect(browser).toMatchTabbablePageSnapshot('check-tabbable', {
/* some options */

it('should save some screenshots', async () => {
// Save a screen
await browser.saveScreen('examplePage', {
/* some options */

// Save an element
await browser.saveElement(
await $('#element-id'),
/* some options */

// Save a full page screenshot
await browser.saveFullPageScreen('fullPage', {
/* some options */

// Save a full page screenshot with all tab executions
await browser.saveTabbablePage('save-tabbable', {
/* some options, use the same options as for saveFullPageScreen */

it('should compare successful with a baseline', async () => {
// Check a screen
await expect(
await browser.checkScreen('examplePage', {
/* some options */

// Check an element
await expect(
await browser.checkElement(
await $('#element-id'),
/* some options */

// Check a full page screenshot
await expect(
await browser.checkFullPageScreen('fullPage', {
/* some options */

// Check a full page screenshot with all tab executions
await expect(
await browser.checkTabbablePage('check-tabbable', {
/* some options, use the same options as for checkFullPageScreen */

This service provides save and check methods. If you run your tests for the first time you SHOULD NOT combine save and compare methods, the check-methods will automatically create a baseline image for you

Autosaved the image to

When you've disabled to automatically save baseline images, the Promise will be rejected with the following warning.

Baseline image not found, save the actual image manually to the baseline.
The image can be found here:

This means that the current screenshot is saved in the actual folder and you manually need to copy it to your baseline. If you instantiate @wdio/visual-service with autoSaveBaseline: true the image will automatically be saved into the baseline folder.

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